Q:- What do I get for my money?
A:- A complete and established business package from day 1. Training and support for 7 trades! More customers YES’S mean more profits. Get on the fast track to over 70 years of experience, knowledge, reputation, established name and proven support systems, ensuring every possible chance of your success!
Hit the ground running from day 1

Why do people pay over $1,000,000 dollars for a McDonald’s Franchise, without any guarantees! when any fool can teach them about a hamburger and fries? They pay all that money to have a professional team behind them with a full range of proven support systems.
Basic training from one material supplier, pretend tradies, with no real support systems, is cheap and a waste that can lead you to failure.
Proven training, covering a range of suppliers, from experienced tradies with guarantees and proven support systems, can lead you to success.
Which direction do you want?
So what are the Spray Pave proven support systems?
Learn 7 new trades for one low price:- 1) Spray Paving; 2) Epoxy; 3) Polishing; 4) Staining / Sealing; 5) Permeable Paving; 6) Imitation timber/stone/slate; 7) 3 Dimensional. Plus repairs of cracks, waterproofing, scaling etc. Latest R&D updates; Recommended extra training. Three Business Guarantees.
Hands On Training.
- Correct use of “spiked shoes and rollers”
- Removal of old coatings.
- Crack repairs based on experience.
- Floor levelling machines and compounds.
- Waterproofing and moisture barriers.
- Non-slip for steel, timber and fiberglass.
- Polishing concrete (preparation and application)
- Staining concrete (acid & water based)
- Spray Paving on walls.
- Spray Paving over concrete.
- 8 Stage cleaning and preparation process.
- Wet and dry preparation.
- Spray Paving over asphalt.
- Spray Paving over pebble stone and tiles.
- Clear and colour sealing.
- Imitation:- Timber boards, slate, sandstone.
- Non-slip treatment for tiles.
- Epoxy, Polyurethanes (Seamless floors)
- Use of grinding and polishing machines.
- Learn how to make your own products.
- “Heads, stones, lobes, pads, drums”.
Home Office Training.
- Access to TV, and newspaper adds.
- Business expansion and employing others
- Details of suppliers various products.
- 24/7 Lifelong support on all issues.
- Imaging software access for quotes.
- Access to other operators.
- Tax records including G.S.T.
- Customer contract / invoice (legal protection)
- An established Brand name and logo.
- Income and money back guarantees.
- Customer leads guaranteed, via SMS & E-mail
- Customer interest free finance.
- Optional Insurance plociy.
- Spray Pave Sales and marketing video
- Web site personal portfolio page.
- 24/7 Call centre, SMS secretary service.
- Flights & accom’ to Adelaide. 1 person.
- Unbiased R&D on new products.
- Marketing and administration pack.
- Equipment guarantees & maintenance
Marketing & Admin.
- Access to our Licensees Secrets
- 3 Business Guarantees of leads, jobs and income.
- Your own postcode defined marketing territory.
- Operators Guide Book (Bible), covering over 50 topics.
- Call centre forwarding customer leads.
- Your own web site portfolio page.
- Access to T.V. add Samples of all advertising Web Site.
- Customer legally binding contract book.
- Spray Pave professional luggage bag.
- Office pack of Pens, signs, display boards, brochures, calculator, business cards, quote request book
- Uniform of Cap and shirt.
- Sales & Marketing video.
- Imaging software contact.
- Photo Album with example photos.
- 3 days, on site follow-up training.
- The choice to have mobile training on your own job site.
- Be paid for training by your own customer, on your own job site.
- Full support from 6 Head Office staff, plus countless tips from all our operators across Australia and NZ.